Microformats at the Web 2.0 Expo

The Web 2.0 Expo is taking place at Moscone West on 747 Howard Street in San Francisco, California from April 15th to 18th. Microformats will be well represented.

John Allsopp, author of the newly published Microformats book from Friends of ED, is scheduled to speak on Tuesday. John’s presentation is called Microformats, Much More Than Just Promise. The time is currently set for half past one. John will be looking at current implentations of microformats as well as asking what applications remain unexplored..

There’s also a presentation called The Beauty in Standards and Accessibility on Tuesday at 3:45… I’m sure microformats will get slipped in there at some stage.

The schedule for the conference seems to be still in flux so keep your eyes and calendar apps tuned to the microformats events calendar.

Piggybacking on the conference, there’ll be a microformats dinner early on Wednesday evening. A location hasn’t been finalised yet but there are some suggestions on the event’s wiki page. If you’re in town, please come along.

6 Responses to “Microformats at the Web 2.0 Expo”

  1. John Allsopp :

    But wait, there’s more!

    Microformats pioneer, Kevin Marks also has an ignite session on microformats Sunday night. He’s second cab off the rank – so not long after 7.00pm

    There’s also surely to be some microformats sessions at the Web2.Open bar camp like open conference associated with the Expo, and organized in part by microformats stalwart Chris Messina

    All these are free, thought you may need to sign up for a free expo pass.

    Hope to see you all there!


    April 14th, 2007 at 11:19 pm

  2. les microformateurs » Blog Archive » Les Microformats à l’Expo Web 2.0 :

    […] (source Adactio sur microformats.org) […]

    April 15th, 2007 at 5:03 pm

  3. Microformats auf der Web 2.0 Expo at notizBlog :

    […] John Allsopp, der Autor vom gerade erschienenen Microformats Buch wird am Donnerstag um 14:30 auf der Web 2.0 Expo einen Vortrag über “Microformats, Much More Than Just Promise” halten. (via) yigg itweb it wong it folk it link it bookmark it […]

    April 16th, 2007 at 4:48 am

  4. Nate Klaiber :

    This sounds like this is a great event. I wish I would have seen this sooner and been able to participate.

    I am finishing up John’s book right now – and it has inspired many thoughts/questions.

    Will there be notes posted after the event?

    April 16th, 2007 at 5:35 am

  5. Iris :

    Great presentation! Missed a chance at the free book, but will likely go out and get it :D Thanks John, my eyes are wide open!

    April 19th, 2007 at 8:41 am

  6. Rick :

    I’ve compiled a short list of sites you can use to create a number of microformats at http://www.cogmill.com/?p=22.

    Hopefully someone finds the information useful.


    June 22nd, 2007 at 12:09 am