Microformats voted best session at W3C Technical Plenary Day!

The W3C held their annual Technical Plenary Day meeting just yesterday in Mandelieu, France.

Tantek Çelik (Technorati) and Dan Connolly (W3C) moderated a session on Microformats with fellow presenters Ian Hickson, Håkon Wium Lie and Rohit Khare. Event details and links to presentations are on the wiki page for the event.

After all the sessions, the attendees voted for the best session (among eight choices) of the day and overwhelmingly chose Microformats!

Congratulations and thanks to my fellow co-moderator Dan Connolly and the presenters, and to the entire microformats community for all their hard work.

You should all be very proud of this level of recognition/appreciation by W3C members.


P.S. For my presentation, I started off with a live demonstration (that I encouraged the audience to follow along with themselves on their on laptops, and which you too can try yourself) of going to the W3C Technical Plenary Agenda Day page, and then using the Technorati Contacts Feed service (running Brian Suda’s excellent X2V transform) to add all the contacts from that page to my address book (by simply typing in the feeds. etc. URL before the current URL in the URL field in the browser and pressing return)


Followed by subscribing to the day’s events from that page to my calendar:


Thanks to Robert Bachmann with help marking up the hCards and hCalendar events of that page, Dan Connolly for checking the page in, to Brian Suda for fixing some last minute bugs in X2V, and to Ryan King for swiftly updating the Technorati Events and Contacts Feed service. They did an awesome job and everything worked flawlessly.


2 Responses to “Microformats voted best session at W3C Technical Plenary Day!”

  1. Microformats no Technical Plenary Week » Revolução Etc :

    […] Neste dia 1 de março, um grupo de pessoas como Ian Hickson (Google; CSS Working Group), Tantek Çelik (Technorati; CSS Working Group), Håkon Wium Lie (Opera; CSS Working Group), Rohit Khare (CommerceNet), Dan Connolly (W3C) apresentaram diversos aspectos sobre os microformats. Os links que foram relacionados aos nomes se referem as apresetações usadas no encontro de cada um desses caras. Uma boa notícia é que após todas as sessões os participantes do evento votam (entre 8 opções) qual foi a melhor sessão e a escolha esmagadora foi a apresentação de microformats. […]

    March 5th, 2006 at 10:07 am

  2. Learning the World » Blog Archive » To Hell with Joe Clark :

    […] Meanwhile some things seem to go right at the W3C: the I18N activity led by Richard Ishida, or the quick embracing of Microformats, Web Forms, Widgets and Gadgets, and the XHTML 1.1 Role Attribute Module. The latter has to be seen in context with IBM’s contribution to the Mozilla source code for DHTML accessibility, but is subject to Joe Clark’s flaming because of a tabindex of −1. […]

    August 31st, 2006 at 4:51 am