[uf-dev] Re: hCard locations in hCalendar

Ryan King ryan at technorati.com
Mon Apr 16 15:07:04 PDT 2007

On Apr 16, 2007, at 2:05 PM, Edward O'Connor wrote:
> Ryan wrote:
>> Assumption: if an agent is consuming iCalendar, they'd prefer to
>> consume vCard, rather than hCard.
> This is somewhat unlikely. vCard and vCalendar had a shared parsing
> model, but iCalendar deviates from it in several annoyingly  
> incompatible
> ways -- if someone has an iCalendar parser, it might not be terribly
> useful for vCard parsing.
> In related news, there's a method for embedding high-fidelity, "as
> vCard-like as iCalendar will allow" location information into  
> iCalendar
> that is being worked on at CalConnect -- VVENUE[0]. VVENUE is, in
> effect, a back-port of "hCalendar with hCard location field" to
> iCalendar.
> Assuming CalConnect and/or the relevant IETF WG(s) move forward with
> this, there should be a very straightforward hCalendar+hCard ->
> iCalendar+VVENUE transform available "soon."
> Ted
> 0. VVENUE I-D here: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft- 
> norris-ical-venue-00.txt

Yeah, I'd looked at that, and it looks to be exactly what we need. I  
was hoping to figure out a way to solve the problem with existing  
RFCs, though.


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