[uf-dev] Suggested new parsing rule for alt text

Andy Mabbett andy at pigsonthewing.org.uk
Thu Mar 22 09:14:37 PST 2007

I suggest that this rule be adopted, for *all* microformats, unless
there are good reasons for specific exceptions:

         Where an element contains only an image element, and the parser
         is expecting text, the alt text of the image should be used.

For example:

         <h1 class="fn org"><img src=logo.jpg" alt="Acme"></h1>

should be equivalent of the currently-permissible:

         <h1 class="fn org">Acme</h1>

         <h1><img class="fn org" src=logo.jpg" alt="Acme"></h1>

It will facilitate the microformatting of templated CMS data (not least
that in Wikipedia), which allow either text or image data in a field. It
will also be particularly relevant where images of text are used.

Can anyone foresee any problems with that?

Andy Mabbett

                     Welcome to the world's longest week!

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