[microformats-discuss] Human readable value

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Aug 11 04:56:19 PDT 2005

On 8/8/05 10:49 AM, "Ryan King" <ryan at technorati.com> wrote:

> On Aug 8, 2005, at 1:31 AM, Jeff Lindsay wrote:
>> As I understand it, the actual value for most of the elemental
>> microformats is found in the href attribute  (assuming within an
>> anchor tag, which seems to be implied for the microformats I'm talking
>> about: xfn, votelink, the rels). I'm wondering where I should look for
>> a single human readable value... the text content of the element, or
>> if specified, the title attribute of the element.
> That probably depends on the specific situation (ie, which
> microformat we're talking about).


>> An example using xfn:
>> &lt;a href="http://an9.org" rel="met friend colleague"
>> title="anarkystic"&gt;Andy Smith&lt;/a&gt;
> I would say that both the rel and the anchor text are human readable
> here.

Yes, and XFN *only* expresses relationship information.

If you want to express someone's name as well, then use hCard in addition,

 <span class="vcard">
  <a href="http://an9.org" rel="met friend colleague" class="url fn">
   Andy Smith</a></span>

Or perhaps:

 <span class="vcard">
  <a href="http://an9.org" rel="met friend colleague" class="url">
   <span class="fn">Andy Smith</span> (<span class="nickname">termie</span>)




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