[microformats-discuss] Forum formats (for blog post microformat)

Geoffrey Glass geof at geof.net
Tue Aug 16 11:58:58 PDT 2005

I am actually working with a discussion forum, to which I would like to 
apply any blog post microformat.  I have taken a look at three forum 
post formats:  phpbb, YaBB, and Moodle (which I am working with).  All 
use table-based layouts (ugh), and all have several features uncommon in 
blogs, such as user pictures and user information, bylines, and forum 
controls (go to parent, reply with quote, etc.).

I don't think it's appropriate to add these to the blog-post wiki pages.

Of the three, Moodle is the one with the best use of classes to identify 
relevant fields:

<table class="forumpost">
      <img src="AVATAR"/>
    <td class="topic>
      <div class="subject">POST TITLE</div>
      <div class="author">by <a>AUTHOR</a> - POST DATE</div>
    <td class="content">
      <div class="commands"><a>Show Parent</a> | <a>Reply</a></div>

Key CSS Elements

- "forumpost" identifies a post
- "subject" identifies the post subject
- "author" identifies the author, but also includes the date and other text
- "content" identifies the content area, but includes some controls also


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