[microformats-discuss] Microformat for blog-searchand characterizing

Robert Bachmann rbach at rbach.priv.at
Thu Jul 21 13:16:55 PDT 2005

Eran wrote:
> <div class="blogformat" language="de"> <!-- added lanugage attribute, I
> think this is the correct usage... -->
It should be for ...
- HTML: <div class="blogformat" lang="de">:
- XHTML 1.0: <div class="blogformat" lang="de" xml:lang="de">
- XHTML 1.1: <div class="blogformat" xml:lang="de">

>   <img class="logo" src="http://blog.url/images/hblog.gif" alt="" />
> <!-- changed url to absolute rather than relative -->

>   <a class="bookmark" href="URL" title="Zum Weblog">Blogname</a> <!--
> changed class name to bookmark to reflect permalink type -->
>   <a clss="author" href=author.url">author.name</a> <!-- added author
> field, maybe link to an hcard or include one inline? -->

>   <span class="language"><em> / DE: </em></span>
I'm not sure if this is acctualy needed. Humans will probably recognize
the language form <span class="descritpion">, machines may look at the
lang attribute of <div class="blogformat">

>   <ul class="categories"> <!--changed to categories as used in hreview
> sample-->
>     <li><a rel="tag"
> href="http://technorati.com/Webstandards">Webstandards</a></li> <!--
> changed categories to tags per ryan's suggestion -->

I think it should be http://technorati.com/tags/Webstandards

>     <li><a rel="tag" href="http://wikipedia.com/CSS">CSS</a></li>
>     <li><a rel="tag" href="http://wikipedia.com/XHTML">XHTML</a></li>
>  </ul>

I think it should be http://wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML
instead of http://wikipedia.com/XHTML, same for CSS.

>  [...]

>  <span class="description">
>  Artikel und Experimente zu Webstandards, CSS, XHTML und Themen der
>  Internettechniken
>  </span>

If "description" is a sentence which explains the topic of the wiki it
using <p> instead of <span> would make sense.

Robert Bachmann <rbach at rbach.priv.at> (OpenPGP KeyID: 0x4A5CCF10)

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