[microformats-discuss] proposal: microformats dinner Monday the 27th @ Crepes on Cole

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Sat Jun 25 11:54:59 PDT 2005

Microformats fans:

It's been a while since we've met face to face and had microformats dinner,
and it's been a very busy few months.  We launched microformats.org.
Also, Bud Gibson of xFolk fame will be visiting the bay area next week.

So I propose:

Microformats dinner
Monday June 27th
Crepes on Cole, San Francisco

I know it is short notice, but what do people think?



P.S. For those of you that I bcc'd and are not on microformats-discuss, I
encourage you to join! Let me know and I'll add you.

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