[uf-discuss] datetime-design-pattern

David Janes -- BlogMatrix davidjanes at blogmatrix.com
Tue Nov 1 08:33:29 PST 2005

Alright, I'm done with this one. BTW: the example given [1] does not 
match the patterns in [2] or [3], as it does not have a ':' in the TZ; 
furthermore, [2] and [3] conflict in the usage of "Z".

Regards, etc...

[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/datetime-design-pattern#Current_uses
[2] http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3339.html
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime

Tantek Çelik wrote:
> On 11/1/05 2:08 AM, "David Janes -- BlogMatrix" <davidjanes at blogmatrix.com>
> wrote:
>>Unfortunately (if I'm remembering correctly) those only deal with
>>datetimes (w3c + rfc) and dates (w3c).
> Hence the name of the page: *datetime*-design-pattern.  The scope of the
> page is named as such on purpose.
>>The issue of time and durations
>>is coming up
> It is?  From where?
>>so I thought I'd get that in there using the same
>>philosophy of thought: i.e. pick the most reasonable thing and put it in
>>I'm not going to attempt to reinvent anything here; ISO 8601 all the
>>way. Unfortunately (if I'm remembering correctly again), ISO doesn't
>>believe in letting people know what their standards are unless they pay
>>money so I attempted to copy the minimum amt of info to make it clear
>>what we're talking about.
> David, please re-read what I wrote.  I'm not talking about reinventing
> ISO8601.  I'm talking about the wiki page reinventing a *profile* of
> ISO8601.  W3C-NOTE-DATETIME, RFC3339 are existing profiles that should first
> be reused unless there are good reasons provided to go beyond them, and in
> that case, hopefully only the changes can be documented.
> I'll try to edit the page to show what I'm talking about.
> Thanks,
> Tantek
>>Tantek Çelik wrote:
>>>Rather than attempting to write up yet another profile of ISO8601, and the
>>>rules that come with it, perhaps it would be better to consider
>>>comparing/exploring existing profiles, like those noted in the IRC
>>>transcript on that page: W3C-NOTE-DATETIME, RFC3339.
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