[microformats-discuss] Result set: thoughts and ideas?

Dimitri Glazkov dimitri.glazkov at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 18:15:22 PDT 2005

On 10/6/05, Dr. Ernie Prabhakar <drernie at opendarwin.org> wrote:
> Hi Dimitri,
> Thanks for diving in on this!  This sounds related to the new table
> discussion I'm starting:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/table-examples

Yes, I think it is related, but can't seem to wrap my head about
exactly how it fits there.

> I think you may want to split up your idea into two parts:
> - a table of results
> - the list of result pages
> That latter might also be used for a "1 of 3" notice, a la S5.   The
> former, interestingly, implies a connection between XOXO-lists and
> tables, as both have the meaningful concept of "20-40 of 100".

Well, I thought about this, and realized that the "paged" grouping of
a result set is usually (most likely) an artificial split, driven not
by data semantics, but rather UI decisions. So, I decided against
buliding paging in -- as Rico's LiveGrid shows us, "there is no
paging" :)

So a list of result pages may or may not exist -- that decision is up
to the UA or the script that represents it.

Does this make any sense?


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