[microformats-discuss] a micro micro-format for an' item'

David Janes -- BlogMatrix davidjanes at blogmatrix.com
Thu Oct 13 08:26:07 PDT 2005

It doesn't really recommend anything at this point -- I'm just exploring 
all the possibilities and common data types I've seen in blog posts, 
news articles, BBs, etc..

I was working toward the minimal set idea, but reasonably this is going 
to include about 10 or so different things. One I've done 3, I'm not 
sure why I/we would stop at that when I can keep going and make the job 
complete and thorough with an incremental amount of work. (Such as 
creating the recommendation, convincing others of its merit, writing the 
profiles, and so on).

BTW: the concept of 'atom:content' is actually quite complicated when 
applied to blogs in the wild.

Also note that 'atom:*' are just placeholder names at this point, so I 
don't have to make up a vocabulary -- they're 'conceptual'

Regards, etc...

S. Sriram wrote:
> Hi,
> The blog-post-brainstorming page 
> http://microformats.org/wiki/blog-post-brainstorming
> on the wiki reccomends
> atom:entry
> atom:title
> atom:content
> Currently,
> -All blog posts
> -The millions of ecommerce products, 
> -Almost all the vertical search results 
> -Almost all search results
> share the same three elemetns. 
> Could it be possible to start with just this base set
> for an item and allow all other formats to inherit these 
> base items as they establish their own elements.
> Hi, My name is Sriram and I'm puting together a service
> that allows items to be tagged and it would be useful
> to have a 'standard' means of thinking about an item
> on a web page.
> S. Sriram
> womtag.com
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