[microformats-discuss] Video Pop-up Link Maker

Ryan King ryan at technorati.com
Fri Oct 14 15:30:08 PDT 2005

On Oct 14, 2005, at 12:46 PM, Joshua Kinberg wrote:

> OK, so this looks like a good list of optional extensions to the
> relEnclosure proposal (I don't have Wiki editing privileges, or I
> would simply write them there)...

Actually, I think instead of adding to rel-enclosure, a new format is  
in order.

rel-enclosure should stay simple and independent so that it can be re- 
used by other formats (and can just be used on its own). So, we'd be  
doing composition, rather than extension.

> - Title and Type attributes as optional extensions to relEnclosure
> links (simply exploiting XHTML to fullest capability)
> - optional class="enclosure" block with multiple relEnclosure links
> inside indicates multiple instances of the same enclosure (different
> file formats, sizes, or bitrates).
> - optional <img> element within relEnclosure link indicates a
> thumbnail image for that enclosure. Could contain an additional class
> attribute like class="thumbnail" (is this necesary?)
> We could hold off on adding other *optional* Microformats to satisfy
> requirements from other specs (Creator, Duration, Date, Description,
> etc.) as those are more complicated and do not really follow current
> "in the wild" practices, as Tantek has demonstrated in the discussion
> about Dublin Core. Still, much of that information may be satisfied by
> the surrounding context of the blog entry itself (although I don't
> necessarily agree with that statement).
> For now, the list above seems quite sensible and flexible, and I think
> would be easy to put into practice.


Ryan King
ryan at technorati.com

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