[uf-discuss] hReview in the Wild

Tim White tjameswhite at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 26 12:58:14 PDT 2005

Hello all,

I've implemented hReview in the Reference Reviews section of our Web
site (reviews.gale.com). I'm interested in feedback on if I've got it
formatted correctly. (FYI: Reviews database is now running in

I also have two questions:

1) What is the "fn" for? I feel kind of silly asking that, and
implementing it almost blindly, but there it is. I understand that it
is name related, but I don't see how it fits items. (I've based my code
on  the restaurant example in the Wiki, which also uses "fn".)

2) I gather that the reviewers' names should be in hCard. What would
that look like?

Here is a snippet of code:

<div class="post hreview">

<h2 id="post-78" class="item fn">Americans at War: Society, Culture and
the Homefront</h2>

<p class="reviewer">Reviewed by John Lawrence, <abbr class="dtreviewed"
title="2005-10-01T13:37:17-04:00">October 2005</abbr></p>

<div class="entrytext">
<p>Edited by John Phillips Resch. 4 vols. 1,204p. Detroit: Macmillan
Reference USA, 2005. 0-02-865806-X; 2004-17314. $475.</p>

alt="book cover"/> Warfare can affect all aspects of a society. ...</p>

<p>[review continues...]</p>

~ Tim

<a href="http://www.tjameswhite.com">www.tjameswhite.com</a>

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