[uf-discuss] Anybody working on product microformat?

Kevin Lawver kevin at lawver.net
Fri Oct 28 13:54:18 PDT 2005

I don't know, but I'd be interested in helping to create one.  hReview 
probably provides a good starting point.


Thomas Vander Wal wrote:
> Anybody working on a microformat for the product space?
> I started running with an idea and could not find anybody that had
> started or mentioned a product microformat.  I may need to start
> walking before I run (at least I was not running with scissors, but I
> can't say that about cut and paste) and start this effort if it has
> not been done already.
> What am I looking for is structure for commerce sites or people 
> discussing products.  The  product name, model, unique identifier
> (ISBN, etc. - may be more than one), description, features, technical
> descriptions, etc.
> All the best,
> Thomas
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