[uf-discuss] Mozilla microformats development thread and suggestions for awareness

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Tue Aug 1 14:31:40 PDT 2006

For anyone involved with thinking about how to develop support for
microformats, what to develop etc., this (thanks to Niall Kennedy for the
tip) is excellent reading:


Alex and Sherman are great guys and they get it.

The reason I am sending this to microformats-discuss rather than just *-dev
is the following:

I did note however that apparently even folks this deep in the community,
and actively positive on microformats are not aware just how much
microformatted content is on the Web (e.g. in the 10s of millions now thanks
to Yahoo! Local, EVDB/Eventful and other microformats publishers).

The fault with that is firmly in our collective laps.

Or rather, to look at it more positively, fortunately this is a *perception*
problem rather than an actual adoption problem, and perception problems are
much easier to fix, *and* we have the ability and tools to fix them.

To begin with, we need to give folks a place to point.

I've just brainstormed a bit of wiki improvement/authoring that I think will
both make it easy for people to serendipitously find out how well
microformats are doing, and for interested folks to simply copy and paste a
link to demonstrate how well microformats are doing.



Take a look, and please feel free (and encouraged!) to iterate and improve
or provide alternate suggestions to make this information both easier to
find and easier to pass along.  Don't worry about grand publicity campaigns
that need planning, launch dates etc.  Let's just keep iterating and making
it better through all our incremental efforts.



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