[uf-discuss] hCalendar Implementation

Tim White tjameswhite at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 13 12:28:44 PST 2006

--- Ryan King <ryan at technorati.com> wrote:

> You could probably just markup one of the times in each section,  
> since they are logically equivalent.
> -ryan

I had thought of:

<div class="vevent">
<h4>Date: <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-01-23T16:00-5:00">Monday,
January 23, 2006</abbr></h4>
<p>4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
3:00 PM Central Daylight Time<br>
2:00 PM Moutain Daylight Time<br>
1:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time</p>

But I wasn't sure how the various JS-calendar-adders would handle it.

Would that be a proper implementation?



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