Welcome H å kon! (and Re: [uf-discuss] book brainstorming )

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Jan 30 12:29:16 PST 2006

On 1/30/06 12:19 PM, "Mark Pilgrim" <pilgrim at gmail.com> wrote:

[a lot of great details about real world book publishing, and in particular,
working with O'Reilly, which I can confirm myself, having tech-edited a
number of books for them]

> Not sure where this gets us, except to say that Word is really leading
> edge stuff for publishers at the moment, and anything-but-Word is so
> bleeding edge for publishers that I'm skeptical that it's even worth
> spending any time on it.  I'd be happy to use my existing online books
> and my battle-tested DocBook toolchain as a testbed for outputting
> semantically richer HTML with pretty CSS printing, but I don't believe
> that anyone but hobbyists will ever use it.  I would, of course, be
> ecstatic to be proven wrong.


Sounds like you a challenge set in front of you.

See if you can prove Mark wrong. ;)



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