[uf-discuss] hcard question

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Jul 20 11:18:31 PDT 2006

Hi Ted!

On 7/20/06 11:05 AM, "Ted Drake" <tdrake at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> If I have two urls associated with a person, i.e. profile and blog, how do I
> define these in the link?
> I've tried class="url type". Is there a way to get the hcard to say
> profile: linkurl
> Blog: linkurl

The short answer is that vCard, and thus hCard, does not have typing/tagging
for the URL property at all, so the best you can do is to simply markup both
as class="url".

Some folks have tried to solve the problem of distinguishing blog from home
page URL for example, but the problem is that the taxonomy of personal URL
types is unbounded, and probably not something that should be codified into
a format.  E.g. what about feed url, podcast url, etc.?  It is likely that
new personal url types will be developed in the near future as well.

You could however potentially use hCard+xFolk to make this distinction,
since xFolk allows for arbitrary link tagging without defining a specific
tagging taxonomy.  No-one has tried this before, but there is no reason not
to that I can think of.



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