[uf-discuss] What to do when a microformat doesn't quite fit?

David Osolkowski qidydl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 07:42:14 PST 2006

> What's the best course of action in cases like these? My use-case
> doesn't exactly fit hAtom because it doesn't meet the mandatory
> 'author' and 'content' requirements. But at the same time, it looks
> as if hAtom fits better than anything else.

I was under the impression that most of these sorts of requirements
are carried over from Atom itself, not things that hAtom invented. 
For example, the requirements on author as specified in RFC 4287:

atom:feed elements MUST contain one or more atom:author elements,
      unless all of the atom:feed element's child atom:entry elements
      contain at least one atom:author element.

Thus, I suggest you use whatever solution you came up with for
generating the actual Atom feeds.  Your Atom feeds are valid Atom 1.0,
aren't they?  :-p

I'm guessing the issue is less to do with hAtom and more to do with
fitting your data into the "Atom content model."  I suppose putting
yourself/the software as the feed author makes sense, as that is what
created the feed.  I'm less clear on the content issue.

- David

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