[uf-discuss] Re: work of art microformat

Breton Slivka zen at zenpsycho.com
Mon Mar 27 08:03:09 PST 2006

I can't speak for what Tim Gambell's requirements or intentions are,  
but for my requirements, as long as the citation format includes the  
minimum common properties in the examples, the citation format would  
be fine.
at the moment this seems to be:

Photo (more accurately referred to as 'image', but photo is the  
convention from hcard)
Author (artist)

other properties include:
"Gift Of"
Genre (luckily in the world of art, the list of genres is pretty much  
nailed down and agreed on)
And museums use a citation code that I don't quite understand the  
purpose or format of, but here's an example from the National Gallery  
of victoria:

One site includes the classification of a peice as a photo,  
sculpture, or painting. There's plenty of borderline cases for all 3  
of those so I'm not entirely convinced of the worth of such a  
classification system.

Tim Gambell lists a few exhaustive formats designed for the purpose  
of archiving information about art. Depending on the actual  problem  
this microformat is intending to solve, Such completeness is probably  
not necessary.

On Mar 27, 2006, at 8:34 AM, Ryan Cannon wrote:

> I think this is yet another issue tied to a Citation microformat.  
> When you are adding an image or description of a work of art on a  
> web site, you are more often than not citing an actual document  
> hanging in a museum somewhere else in the world. This shares  
> everything with a citation microformat except for medium of the  
> cited material. Is there a way that this could be added/merged to  
> http://microformats.org/wiki/citation or made to be a sub section,  
> as adr is to hCard?
> -- 
> Ryan
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