[uf-discuss] "Behavior" and microformats

brian suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 12:17:26 PST 2006

Javascript has access to XPATH. Ray Ozzie's Live Clipboard is pulling
the hCard/hCal data with XPath in javascript. He is saving it all to the
clipboard, but  you could plug it into the windows. If you view that
source in his examples and that should get you started.


if anyone actually gets this off the ground, i'd help with the XPATH
code, i've done LOTS of it with X2V


Chris Messina wrote:
> Wow. Check this out.
> I just wrote:
>> In the latter two examples above, two wiki links would be created, but
>> instead of going to a textarea, you'd get a form to fill in based on
>> the microformat fields. When you hover over the original link in its
>> original context (or wherever else it shows up), we'd do an AJAX
>> lookup on the destination page and pull out the microformatted data in
>> a DHTML dialog w/ a link to "add to my calendar|address book".
> And I just found this: http://blogus.xilinus.com/pages/javawin
> So here's what we need to do.
> Use that code to generate a window and pull in data from *a
> webpage*... The difficulty will be targeting certain data on a page
> w/o doing any complicated transforms. Let's presume wellformed
> microformats. Now let's say that I want to pull out a specific hcard
> or hcal from a page of many hcards or hcals... how can I pull that
> specific piece of data from the webpage?
> Oh man, this could be huge.
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