[uf-discuss] hCard authoring review and feedback - try it out!

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Wed May 10 08:23:39 PDT 2006


I started writing this this past March when Robert Bachmann was helping with
adding hCard markup to existing conference web pages:


This document is specifically written for web designers, web authors, who
themselves know anywhere from enough HTML to get along, to high quality
semantic XHTML.  It's not written for programmers, though if you write PHP
etc. that prints out markup, I'd like to hear your feedback as well.

It's written for folks that already have a "contact" or "about" page and
thus don't need to "create" an hCard, they just need to add hCard markup to
an existing page.

So I'd like to request some trial and feedback.

If you have an about/contact page which you have not yet marked up with
hCard, take a look at the hcard-authoring page, and try it out.

Let me know what is confusing, what is helpful, and what would help even

And if you *are* a web designer or web author, feel free to iterate and
improve the document directly on the wiki, either in place, or add a new
section if you desire.



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