[uf-discuss] microformats search and pinging

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Wed May 31 19:29:56 PDT 2006

When I talk with folks about microformats, one very frequent question is, is
anyone indexing microformats?

There are some indexers of specific microformats right now (e.g. Reevoo and
Kritx both index hReviews), but no general microformats search engine.

Until now.

It is with particularly great pleasure that I encourage you try out the
technology preview of Technorati microformats search, currently hosted on
the Technorati Kitchen:


The answer to the most obvious question - how do you get your microformats
indexed - is two-fold.

If you're posting microformats in your blog, just continue pinging
Technorati, Pingomatic etc.

However, if like so much other content, you're posting microformats
somewhere else (like an about page, event schedules etc.), then notify the
new Pingerati.net microformats ping distributor.

http://pingerati.net/ can handle updates of *any* web page with

More on my blog here:


and with that, I'm late for the dinner!  See you soon.


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