[uf-discuss] Proposal: species

Andy Mabbett andy at pigsonthewing.org.uk
Sat Sep 16 06:45:01 PDT 2006

There should, I believe, be a microformat for the markup of plant and
animal names, to include their scientific names. Consider:

        <abbr class="species" title="Anas platyrhynchos">Mallard</abbr>

        <span class="species">Anas platyrhynchos</span>

This would also allow of the marking-up of superseded scientific names:

        The species was classified <abbr class="species"
        title="Bartramia longicauda">Tringa longicauda</abbr> by Johann
        Matthäus Bechstein, in 1812.


Thought would be needed, as to how to mark up genera:

        It was some kind of <abbr class="species" title="Podiceps

sub- species:

        Larus glaucoides kumlieni
        Pisum sativum subsp. sativum


        Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon

and strains of bacteria:

        Escherichia coli O157:H7

It might also be sensible to allow for the marking up of other levels of
hierarchy, such as phylum, class, order and family.


Since there are a few cases where the same scientific name describes
both a plant and an animal [Not sure if this is to genera or species
level], we may need:

        <abbr class="animal" title="Anas platyrhynchos">Mallard</abbr>

(allowing for taxonomic Kingdoms, e.g. "animal", "plant", "fungi" or
"bacteria" (or "Animalia", "Plantae", "Fungi", "Monera")).


        <abbr class="bird" title="Anas platyrhynchos">Mallard</abbr>

(allowing for taxonomic Classes, e.g. "insect", "reptile", "mammal" (or
"Aves", "Mammalia", "Insecta", "Proteobacteria", etc.)).


The microformat would allow user agents to be configured to perform
look-ups on on-line databases of species, according to user preferences.
Specification of the taxonomic class would help user agents to know
which such databases were applicable (i.e., use database A for plants,
but database B for mammals and database C for insects.)

It would also allow for more specific searching (do I mean "crow" or do
I mean "Corvus corone"?)

The specification should encourage, but not mandate, the correct
capitalisation of scientific names.




        International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature

        International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
        (aka <http://tinyurl.com/ht3pt>)

Thoughts, anyone?
Andy Mabbett
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