[uf-discuss] 'currency' microformat straw-man proposal.

Andy Mabbett andy at pigsonthewing.org.uk
Thu Sep 21 15:48:29 PDT 2006

In message <45131375.4020608 at brixlogic.com>, Guillaume Lebleu
<gl at brixlogic.com> writes

>Looks like there are many others:
>There are various common abbreviations to distinguish the Canadian
>dollar from others: while the ISO <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interna
>tional_Organization_for_Standardization> currency code <http://en.wikip
>edia.org/wiki/ISO_4217> *CAD* (a three-character code without monetary
>symbols <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_sign>) is common, no
>single system is universally accepted. *C$* is recommended by the
>Canadian government (e.g., per /The Canadian Style/ guide) and is used
>by the International Monetary Fund <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intern
>ational_Monetary_Fund>, while /Editing Canadian English/ indicates
>*Can$* and *CDN$*; both guides note the ISO scheme/code. The
>abbreviation *CA$* is also used, e.g., in some software packages.

Any of which can be marked up thus:

        <abbr class="currency" title-"CAD">C$</abbr> [1]

since any of them is a "symbol" representing CAD.

[1] or whatever "class" we eventually decide on.
Andy Mabbett
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