[uf-discuss] hCal: Lunar to Gregorian problem

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Sun Sep 24 07:21:13 PDT 2006

This is a known problem with Outlook[1]. The issue is that several
OPTIONAL fields are Required in Outlook, namely DTSTAMP and UID. I had
a look at your HTML and you seem to have them in there, so the next
common reason things failing is TIDY. To use XSLT the input HTML file
has to be XHTML. To do this, I pass the HTML through TIDY to make sure
it is XML.

When i pass your page through the w3c validator i get several
errors[2]. So TIDY is probably cleaning it up and losing some of the
invalid HTML where you have added Microformated properties.


[1] - http://microformats.org/wiki/icalendar-implementations#Importing_of_VEvents
[2] - http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.surgeons.org%2FScriptContent%2FCalendarAO.cfm%3FSection%3DWho_We_Are

On 9/24/06, Absalom Media <absalom at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> As part of the many hats I wear, I've developed this page to be hCal
> compliant (at least according to Tails):
> http://www.surgeons.org/ScriptContent/CalendarAO.cfm?Section=Who_We_Are
> Neither the Technorati or Suda HCal conversion tools seem to play nice
> with the page, but I can at least confirm that I can extract meaningful
> hCal info using the Life Lint tool.
> The major problem is Outlook 2003 is coming up with the Lunar
> appointment issue.
> What am I missing ?
> Thanks
> Lawrence Meckan
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brian suda

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