[uf-discuss] Dated currency examples?

Andy Mabbett andy at pigsonthewing.org.uk
Mon Sep 25 01:06:00 PDT 2006

In message <091FE9AD-D8AA-4D34-9362-095B6264D179 at placenamehere.com>,
Chris Casciano <chris at placenamehere.com> writes

>> How about this as a model:
>>         "date" is an optional component of the "currency" microformat.
>>         When date is present, parsers may disregard it.
>>         When parsers understand date, and none is present, they may
>>         infer the date from any containing element (e.g. review, hAtom
>>         entry, hResume-hCalendar, etc.)
>> ?
>the problem I see with logic like the above is the one that comes up
>semi-frequently when trying to address issues like this -- that a
>parser for X must then understand all other current (and future)
>microformats in order to extract the proper meaning from the markup.

How so? And isn't there a proposed "microformat object", or some such,
to allow for this?

>I would also worry about being too ambitious with applying context
>clues (e.g. a blog post stating "i remember buying a comic book for
>10ยข" and then applying the post date to the value) but that may be
>more of an authoring issue that could be worked through with more
>discussion then my first concern.

Yes; that's a very good argument for allowing and using the date
component properly, as proposed.

Andy Mabbett
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