[uf-discuss] Tutorial on expressing recurring events using hCalendar

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 12:13:03 PST 2007

On 2/4/07, Scott Reynen <scott at randomchaos.com> wrote:
> Looking at Roger's tutorial, maybe this?
> Original:
> <b>Hours:</b> Mon-Sat 10:00am-9:00pm<br>Sun 11:00am-7:00pm
> hCal:
> <b>Hours:</b>
> <span class="vevent">
>         <abbr class="rrule"
> title="freq=weekly;byday=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA;count=52">Mon-Sat</abbr>

--- the issue here is that WEEKLY is now hidden metadata. This needs
to be pulled out into a human-readable form.

>         <abbr class="dtstart" title="20070101T 100000Z">10:00am</abbr>-
>         <abbr class="dtend" title="20070101T 210000Z">9:00pm</abbr>
> </span><br>

> But I'm not sure if that will work.  Do times in dtstart and dtend
> get repeated, or are only times specified in byhour and byminute
> repeated?  If the former, what happens when both are listed and they
> conflict?  If the latter, is there any way to specify end time?

--- DTEND or DURATION are used to terminate the RRULE, so this
reoccuring event will only last one day.


brian suda

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