[uf-discuss] Vote on this: rel="me self" to indicate an authoritative hCard

Ryan King ryan at technorati.com
Wed Feb 7 14:35:26 PST 2007

On Feb 7, 2007, at 1:44 PM, Ryan Cannon wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2007, Ryan King wrote:
>> 2. We have prior art that is being ignored. Publishers are already
>> using <a class="url uid" ...>...</a> to do this.
> However, UID is not a field that takes a URL for its value, just a  
> string, so therefore:
> <a class="url uid" href="http://ryancannon.com/">Ryan</a>
> Should be parsed as
> URL: http;//ryancannon.com/
> UID: Ryan
> Right?
> So while UID seems like the right value to use, according to my  
> reading of the spec, UID has to sit in visible text, and could be  
> any sort of number--like an American social security number or a  
> mobile phone number with country code--both of those are usually  
> globally unique individual identifiers.

Indeed, in vcard UID is just a string, but my proposal is that we  
make it by default a URL. It's a simple change (which may already be  
implemented in X2V).

Ryan King
ryan at technorati.com

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