[uf-discuss] Empty anchor tag-pairs and accessibility (was:Questionabout telephone numbers)

Paul Wilkins paul_wilkins at xtra.co.nz
Wed Jun 20 19:47:07 PDT 2007

From: "James Craig" <jcraig at apple.com>
> Paul Wilkins wrote:
>> Is the object tag to be used instead for the include pattern?
> The <object> include pattern has some performance problems, it would  be 
> best to use the anchor include pattern but include some text  indicated 
> the marker that was being included.

So when we have multiple phone numbers of the same type

Staff work phone numbers:
Person One

How should they be marked up. Something like this?

<p>Staff <span class="type" id="work-type">work</span> phone numbers:</p>
<div class="vcard">
    <p class="fn">Person One</p>
    <p class="tel"><a href="#work-type" class="include">
        <span class="value">123-4567</span>

This feels wrong, and not the least because fragment identifiers have 
received a hammering in terms of usability.

It's tempting to change the text (god forbid) to achieve better code.

Person One
Wk: 123-4567

<div class="vcard">
    <p class="fn">Person One</p>
    <p class="tel">
        <abbr class="type" title="work">Wk:</abbr>
        <span class="value">123-4567</span>

Paul Wilkins 

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