[uf-discuss] Re: Possible alternative methods for "include"

Toby A Inkster mail at tobyinkster.co.uk
Wed Feb 6 07:36:25 PST 2008

Paul Wilkins wrote:

> If the ordering of class names were supposed to to have some special
> significance, there would be further information about such a specific
> order. In this case a lack of evidence points to no importance in the
> order of the class names.

If the ordering of paragraphs were supposed to have some special 
significance, there would be further information about such a specific 
order. In this case a lack of evidence points to no importance in the 
order of paragraphs.

Thus the following HTML documents may be rendered identically by a 
conforming browser, right?

	<title>Document one</title>

	<title>Document two</title>

The order of the paragraphs doesn't have a "special significance", yet the 
paragraphs do have an inherent order. Similarly, the order of class names 
within a class attribute don't have a special significance attached to 
them by the HTML spec, but they do still have an inherent order.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux, up 7 days, 21:47.]

                          Looking Ahead to Perl 6

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