[uf-discuss] hAtom question

Michael Smethurst Michael.Smethurst at bbc.co.uk
Mon Mar 10 03:39:24 PST 2008

On 10/3/08 10:20, "David Janes" <davidjanes at blogmatrix.com> wrote:

> - I'll be doing the hAtom 0.2 stuff Real Soon Now ;-)
> - you can safely assume that the requirement for having the Author
> element is going to disappear; hAtom 0.2 will have a rule for deciding
> what the default is, though what that rule is is a mystery

Super - makes life much easier (author = site domain name?!?)
> The updated date is a little more problematic. My first inclination
> would be to say find a way to squeeze it in there. My second
> inclination ... and this is entirely my opinion and probably rubs a
> lot of people the wrong way ... is just to do it without the updated
> element and see if the spec catches up with the usage.

Yup, that was were we were heading

Thanks mate
> Regards, etc...
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Michael Smethurst
> <Michael.Smethurst at bbc.co.uk> wrote:
>> Morning
>> The schema section of the hAtom spec [1] says:
>> "author. required using hCard. [*]"
>> But the entry author section [2] says:
>> "an Entry SHOULD have at least one Entry Author element"
>> Should this be a MUST?
>> Also in a blog post [3] David Janes suggests that hAtom 0.2 may drop the
>> author and updated/created requirements. Any idea if/when this will happen?
>> I'd like to add hAtom to all our episode aggregations [4] on
>> bbc.co.uk/programmes and authorship and dating are tricky
>> Sorry if I'm being a numpty - just a bit confused
>> michael
>> [1] http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom#Schema
>> [2] http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom#Entry_Author
>> [3] http://blogmatrix.blogmatrix.com/:entry:blogmatrix-2008-03-05-0000/
>> [4] http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/formats/documentaries
>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/
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