[uf-discuss] My inactivity

Manu Sporny msporny at digitalbazaar.com
Wed May 7 12:16:20 PDT 2008

Ben Ward wrote:
> Just a little note to explain that my µf tasks: hListing, ABBR-pattern,
> ‘This Week’ posts are on hold at the moment as I made a rather
> unexpected trip into hospital this week. No need to worry; after five
> days I've been released again (my appendix had gone rotten and has been
> removed).
> However, I'll be resting for most of this week

Sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital. Hope all is going better
and that you have a quick and speedy recovery.

I'd be happy to put together a "This Week" blog post, who should I send
it to? You, Tantek, or somebody else?

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Dynamic Spectrum Auctions and Digital Marketplaces

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