[uf-discuss] Lets talk about rev?

Tantek Celik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Nov 17 20:48:06 PST 2008


>  they know how rev and rel works......

There has been no evidence shown to demonstrate this. 

On the contrary, the overwhelming evidence (anecdotal and quantitative by the Google/Hixie markup study) has demonstrated the opposite: they don't know how rev works.

If you want to argue for use of rev in general and/or present evidence for it, I suggest doing so at a lower level, that is in the HTML5 community (since it is an HTML attribute you are asking for general use of), either on the whatwg list or the w3c public-html list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin McEvoy <martin at weborganics.co.uk>

Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 03:06:54 
To: Microformats Discuss<microformats-discuss at microformats.org>
Subject: [uf-discuss] Lets talk about rev?


I was going to post this to uf new but the topic is not new.

I would like to ask "please" can we (the community) start talking about 
rev microformats again please, I know that rev is "grandfathered" in new 
Microformats because most of the time the average author gets it wrong 
(according to google anyway), but really microformats developers are 
becoming a breed of forward thinking savvy developers, that are not just 
interested in Microformats Many are interested in expressing semantics 
in wild and wonderful ways, they know how rev and rel works...... and I 
am over dramatizing sorry to the point....

You will all no doubt seen many blogs with links in the sidebar to 
places or projects, applications, websites, music...etc that they have 
been involved with?

Say I made an application and I put a link to it somewhere on my 
homepage as a way of saying this Is a great app that I made go check it 
out, how do I build that link, I would like to add something explicit 
like this

<a rev="made" href="http://transformr.co.uk/">TranFormr</a>

would mean..

<http://weborganics.co.uk/> made <http://transformr.co.uk/>

another good example of where a rev link would be useful Is when you 
post an article on your own blog as a response or reply to another post 
on someone else's blog, rev would be ideal in this case because you 
could mark up your post like this... real world example found here: 

<p>I read an interesting post recently, <a 
title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

by adding rev-reply to the above link...

<a rev="reply" 
title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

the author would be saying...

<http://nfegen.wordpress.com/2008/03/28/micrordformats/> is a reply to 

Nice I think, kind of like a pingback? there are probably a lot more 
examples I could make but I think I have done enough to make my point.


Martin McEvoy


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