[uf-discuss] hRecipe example

Thomas Loertsch loertsch.thomas at guj.de
Tue Oct 14 08:59:22 PDT 2008


I've put together an example of a very simple (h)recipe. It would be great
if people could check this. If it's okay or if I get no responses I'll put
it up on the wiki and generate a more involved example. Btw: what would be
the right page to do so? Brainstorming? Or a new "Examples"-page?


<!-- recipe-title -->
<h1 class="recipe-title">Pommes Frites</h1>

<!-- recipe-summary -->
<p class="recipe-summary">Pommes frites come from the outer space. They are
served hot. This recipe is only an example. Don't try this at home!</p>

<!-- author -->
<p class="vcard"><span class="fn">Thomas Loertsch</span></p>

<!-- published -->
<p>Published <abbr class="published" title="2008-10-14T10:05:37-01:00">14.
Oct 2008</abbr></p>

<!-- photo -->
<img src="/img/pommes.png" class="photo" />

<!-- ingredient -->
<p class="ingredient">

<span class="hmeasure">
<!-- quantity -->
<span class="quantity"><span class="num">500</span> <span

<!-- item -->
<span class="item">potatoes</span>,

<!-- note -->
<span class="note">hard cooking</span>,

<!-- optional -->
<span class="optional">or use frozen pommes frites from the supermarket

<!-- method -->
<ul class="method">
    <li>First wash the potatoes.</li>
    <li>Then slice and dice them and put them in boiling fat.</li>
    <li>After a few minutes take them out again.</li>

<!-- yield -->
<p>Enough for <span class="yield">12</span> children.</p>

<!-- preparation-time -->
<p class="preparation-time">Preparation time is approximately <span
class="h">1</span> hour <span class="min">30</span> minutes.</p>

<!-- tags -->
<p>This recipe is <span href="http://www.eut.de/tags/difficulty/easy"
rel="tag">easy</span> and <span

<!-- license -->
<p>This recipe licensed under <a
href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/" rel="license">cc by

Thomas Lörtsch
Living at Home Multi Media GmbH
Redaktion Online
Stubbenhuk 5
20459 Hamburg
eMail: loertsch.thomas at guj.de

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