[uf-discuss] ISO Dates and Durations using Style

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Sat Sep 27 17:32:45 PDT 2008

Hello Tantek, Toby

Tantek Celik wrote:
> I agree with Toby's assessment. In addition to violating the semantic (presentation vs data) of the style attribute, web designers still very often use the style attribute for spot styling which implies/requires that the default styling language be CSS.
No Tantek and Toby  you are misguided in your interpretation please cite 
your sources ...

"This specification doesn't tie HTML to any particular style sheet 
language. This allows for a range of such languages to be used, for 
instance simple ones for the majority of users and much more complex 
ones for the minority of users with highly specialized needs. The 
examples included below all use the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 
language [CSS1], but other style sheet languages would be possible."[1]

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/styles.html#h-14.1
> Toby your answer is very well worded and would be a good start for a "rejected-syntaxes" page.
> http://microformats.org/wiki/rejected-syntaxes

No Toby don't this is a valid solution.

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy
> Thanks,
> Tantek
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Toby A Inkster <mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>
> Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 23:27:02 
> To: <microformats-discuss at microformats.org>
> Subject: [uf-discuss] ISO Dates and Durations using Style
>> If any style sheet language can be used, why don't microformats create
>> their own style language eg:
>> <span class="bday" style="bday.1968-01-04">4th Jan, 1968</span>
> By definition, the contents of the style attribute must be in "the  
> default style sheet language". The default style sheet language is by  
> definition CSS unless a Content-Style-Type header (either HTTP header  
> or <meta http-equiv>) is present. There can only be one default style  
> sheet language per document, thus any document which wants to use a  
> non-CSS style sheet language in the style attribute cannot use CSS in  
> the style attribute. (That is, you can't use CSS in some style  
> attributes and non-CSS on others.)

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