[uf-discuss] ISO Dates and Durations using Style

Toby A Inkster mail at tobyinkster.co.uk
Sun Sep 28 01:53:37 PDT 2008

Martin McEvoy wrote:

> No Tantek and Toby  you are misguided in your interpretation please  
> cite
> your sources ...


"The syntax of the value of the style attribute is determined by the  
default style sheet language."


"""User agents should determine the default style sheet language for  
a document according to the following steps (highest to lowest  
1. If any META declarations specify the "Content-Style-Type", the  
last one in the character stream determines the default style sheet  
2. Otherwise, if any HTTP headers specify the "Content-Style-Type",  
the last one in the character stream determines the default style  
sheet language.
3. Otherwise, the default style sheet language is "text/css"."""

HTTP headers and <meta http-equiv> are document-wide in scope, which  
means that you can only change the default style sheet language on a  
document-wide basis.

> this is a valid solution.

It is certainly valid in an SGML sense. And it does conform to the  
HTML spec *if* you set the Content-Style-Type header. However, if you  
do so, then any use of CSS in style attributes becomes non-conformant.

The ability to use CSS in style attributes being very handy, I don't  
think this is a very good solution.

Toby A Inkster
<mailto:mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>

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