[uf-discuss] mixing vocabularies

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 16:12:52 PDT 2009

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Peter Mika<pmika at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Today I've seen the second case in point:
> <ul class="ingredient hcard">
> It seems like that the wiki at [1] actively encourages this.... but I fail
> to see why an ingredient would be either a person or an organization?

--- to me, this just says any and all class values inside this UL
should be considered an hCard and/or ingredient. You could just as
easily do this:

<body class="ingredient hcard">

Then anything on that page with class values which correspond to
either of those vocabularies should be considered.

> Note: from our perspective this is the same as having no markup at all: we can not really say whether the page is about a recipe or a person, and what's the relationship of the two.

It is better than having no mark-up at all because you can say that
some data inside this UL is to be considered an hCard and some data
should be considered an ingredient. Each parser will need to look for
the class values it understands. An hCard parser will look for
class="fn" whereas an hRecipe parser will look for different values,
some might overlap some might not.

The only time you need to understand the relationship between the two
is when it is explicit in the format's design. hResume has things like
class="education vevent" those to are linked because the spec says so,
class="ingredient hcard" are not explicitly mentioned in the spec, it
would be no different if you had class="ingredient hcard important
error-message highlight aside" or any other class value. hRecipe or
hCard does not need to understand the other class values which are for
styling or for microformats or for other formats in the future.

Does that help clear-up any confusion?


brian suda

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