[uf-discuss] microformat shiv - cross-browser javascript parser

Glenn Jones glenn.jones at madgex.com
Tue Nov 30 04:27:08 PST 2010

Hi All

I have believe for while that browsers should come with APIs to parse
semantic content such as microformats, unfortunately this has yet to
happen. The microformat shiv provides a simple to use, light-weight,
cross-browser microformat API. 

Site: http://microformatshiv.com/
Code: https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-shiv

It's built off the Operater plug-in code base by Michael Kaply. I have
had to pull it apart and rebuild it to get backwards compatible with
IE6. I have also taken out some additional features to keep as small as

I am still at the stage of testing it and there are a small number of
issues, which I will iron out over the next couple of weeks.

I am building this as part of the draggables project, but I am sure
people may find other uses for it.


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