<div id="RTEContent">Hey,<br> <br> I created a little description:<br> http://www.merkwelt.com/people/stan/marioKartDSMicroformat.html<br> <br> So I guess I can write a little greasemonkey script that pop's up a message when it finds a marioKartDS-ID element, probably showing the hCard properties as well. Maybe linking to the player-stats if they are available from nintendo.<br> <br> Does that make sense?<br> <br> Thanks,<br> Stan<br><br><b><i>Charles Iliya Krempeaux <supercanadian@gmail.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Hello,<br><br>On 12/3/05, Mr Michael Wiechers <whoisstan @yahoo.com=""> wrote:<br>> Hey!<br>><br>> I like microformats. I had a microformat idea and wanted to run that by you<br>> to see if that this makes sense. I play Mario Kart on my Nintendo DS a lot,<br>> it allows you to play online with your friends. A friend is added to
the<br>> system by entering a code, every person has a code.<br>><br>> Right now I just have the code on my personal website:<br>> http://www.merkwelt.com/people/stan/ (first thing under<br>> whoisstan)<br>><br>> So I was thinking of replacing:<br>> <li> <img...>390901938389</img...></li><br>><br>> with<br>><br>> <li><img .=""><span =""><br>> class="marioKartDS">390901938389</span></li><br>><br>> Does that make sense, so I stumble over a personal website with that code I<br>> could have a bunch of games with that person. What I'm not clear on is how<br>> an application/robot could make sense of that?<br><br>Well, an application or robot could scan the page for tags/elements<br>that have the class "marioKartDS". When it does, it then checks to<br>see if that element has a "title" attribute... if it does, it uses<br>that... if not, it uses the innerHTML. Make sense?! Here's some<br>JavaScript pseudo code:<br><br> var
elements = document.getElementsByClassName("marioKartDS");<br><br> if ( elements && elements.length ) {<br> // We found some marioKartDS Microformats!<br><br> for (var i=elements.length-1; i>-1; i--) {<br> var code = elements[i].getAttribute("title");<br> if ( ! code ) {<br> code = elements[i].innerHTML;<br> }<br><br> // #### TODO #### Do something with the code you found. <br>(Let's play :-) )<br> }<br> }<br><br>Does that help?<br><br><br>> Say I would be using the<br>> geocode microformat as well and the "cuisine" microformat I would be able to<br>> find people that like vietnamese cuisine, live in new york and have a mario<br>> kart DS. Which kind of application do the aggregation and would allow me to<br>> run a query like that?<br><br>There may not be one that exists yet. You could write your own (if<br>you are a software engineer). You could make a webcrawler.
Or you<br>could make a user script (using greasemonkey). Etc.<br><br>Also, various people on this lists are probably working on stuff like<br>this. (So it may be just a matter of waiting a little while.)<br><br><br>See ya<br><br>--<br> Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.<br><br> charles @ reptile.ca<br> supercanadian @ gmail.com<br><br> developer weblog: http://ChangeLog.ca/<br>___________________________________________________________________________<br> Never forget where you came from<br>_______________________________________________<br>microformats-discuss mailing list<br>microformats-discuss@microformats.org<br>http://microformats.org/mailman/listinfo/microformats-discuss<br></whoisstan></blockquote><br></div><p>
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