[uf-new] Separating File Content from File Format

Charles Iliya Krempeaux supercanadian at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 12:56:31 PDT 2007

Hello Scott,

You can find more info about Content Types here...

Section 14.17 of RFC 2616

See ya

On 4/5/07, Scott Reynen <scott at makedatamakesense.com> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2007, at 1:49 PM, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
> > You can do other sophisticated stuff with the "type" attribute to...
> > since it holds a "Content Type" and not just a "MIME type".  So you
> > can add parameters to it too.
> The distinction between "content type" and "MIME type" doesn't seem
> very clear in the HTML spec:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/types.html#type-content-type
> The header "Content types (MIME types)" seems to suggest they're
> interchangeable terms, though they're apparently not as "text/html;
> charset=UTF-8" is a valid content type, but not a valid MIME type.
> Does anyone know of a reference where the definition of "content
> type" is made more clear?  Are there any existing standards around
> sub-parameters of content types?
> I also wonder whether this is appropriate when the additional human-
> readable file information is published somewhere other than the
> link.  For example, this is a snippet from a screen-scraping tool I
> made to provide download links for video files:
> <div>
>         <div>
>                 <img src="http://www.comedycentral.com/images/shows/tds/videos/
> wilmore/12044_wilmore_m1.jpg"/>
>                 <p>3:32</p>
>         </div>
>         <h1>Frog Princess</h1>
>         <p>Larry Wilmore explains that when you wish upon a star, it makes a
> difference who you are.</p>
>         <ul>
>                 <li><a href="http://a1136.c.akamai.net/n/1136/9950/v001/
> comedystor.download.akamai.com/9951/_!/com/dailyshow/wilmore/
> wilmore_12044_480.flv?
> __gda__=1175813754_e1a844fd4dfd872bf13b8bc96b430a04">Download Low
> Quality Flash Video File</a></li>
>                 <li><a href="http://a1136.c.akamai.net/n/1136/9950/v001/
> comedystor.download.akamai.com/9951/_!/com/dailyshow/wilmore/
> wilmore_12044_480.flv?
> __gda__=1175813224_a83ec303f5e664e4f66c006e4deba362">Download High
> Quality Flash Video File</a></li>
>         </ul>
> </div>
> I publish human-readable file types, bitrates (low vs. high quality),
> and lengths, so it would be nice to have machine-readable versions of
> all of that information.  I could add type="application/x-shockwave-
> flash; length: 212; bitrate=128" to the links, and that would seem to
> make sense for the MIME type and bitrate, which are published in
> human-readable form within the link.  But the length is published
> outside the link, so it seems a little awkward to be publishing the
> machine-readable version of that in the link.
> --
> Scott Reynen
> MakeDataMakeSense.com
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    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

    charles @ reptile.ca
    supercanadian @ gmail.com

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