[uf-new] Suggestion for collections (audio, video, images)

Chris Griego cgriego at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 20:59:53 PDT 2007

The only existing case of this I'm aware of is "hFeed" containing
"hEntry" items to form hAtom. Since songs have 'authors', titles, a
publish date (songs on compilations might have individual dates, or
the include-pattern could be used with an album-wide date), and a
permalink which could be for the content's site or an iTunes url,
wouldn't hAtom be usable for albums and playlists?

Chris Griego

On 4/12/07, Manu Sporny <msporny at digitalbazaar.com> wrote:
> Has the concept of implicit collections and uF inheritance come up on
> this discussion list yet? Here is the problem that we will be grappling
> with in the next week or two:
> Grouping collections of audio together is a common practice. The most
> prominent examples are: music podcasts and audio albums. Each has a
> higher-level container (the podcast or album) and an atomic piece (audio
> sections or songs).
> There are two potential solutions that we can see:
> 1. Create a collection micro-format (yamf - yet another microformat).
> 2. Allow nesting of the micro-format (preferred?).
> Here is an example of how embedding the audio-info microformat could work:
> Album example:
> <div class="haudio">
>  <span class="title">Audio Album Name</span> by
>  <span class="collaborator fn">Artist Name</span>
>  <div class="haudio">
>   <span class="title">Track 1</span>
>  </div>
>  <div class="haudio">
>   <span class="title">Track 2</span>
>  </div>
>  <div class="haudio">
>   <span class="title">Track 3</span>
>  </div>
> </div>
> Podcast example:
> <div class="haudio">
>  <span class="title">January 2007 Podcast</span> by
>  <span class="collaborator fn">Podcaster Name</span>
>  <div class="haudio">
>   <span class="collaborator fn">Artist Name 1</span>
>   <span class="title">Track 1</span>
>  </div>
>  <div class="haudio">
>   <span class="collaborator fn">Artist Name 2</span>
>   <span class="title">Track 2</span>
>  </div>
> </div>
> Do these two examples seem like a rational way to move forward with
> collections of media (note, we will probably use the same design pattern
> for video and images as well). More specifically:
> 1. Is embedding of Microformats within Microformats to create implicit
>    collections allowed?
> 2. Can the sub-trees inherit their parent's data values? If an artist
>    name is specified in a parent hAudio uF, can the child hAudio uF
>    assume that the same artist name applies to it?
> -- manu
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