[uf-new] hAudio ISSUE #4: Display values for rel-patterns

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Fri Aug 17 11:40:26 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 12:35 -0400, Manu Sporny wrote:
> hAudio ISSUE #4: open issue!
> http://microformats.org/wiki/audio-info-issues#Problem:_Display_properties_of_rel-patterns
> The following markup summarizes this problem:
>    <a rel="purchase" href="/buy/song/3742827384"
>       title="Buy The Song">
>      <img src="/images/buy_song.png" alt="Buy Song Image" />
>    </a>
> What value do you use for displaying the previous markup?
> - Buy The Song
> - Buy Song Image
> - or the image, /images/buy_song.png
"Buy The Song" as the rel-payment microformat recommends 



> If there is no text to display, then how does one place the item into a
> menu/display for Operator/Firefox? Please read the history of this
> issue, as this discussion previously lead to an EoT request:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/audio-info-issues#Historical:_Graphic_buttons_in_rel-patterns
> This is one of the main issues delaying full hAudio implementation in
> Operator.
> The current possible solutions are:
> - Do nothing - display values are up to implementors
> - Don't specify but Publish hAudio Best Practices Section
> - Use the TITLE Attribute
> - Create a new DISPLAY property for display values
> - Display whatever a text-only browser would display
> In an attempt to move the issue forward, I am shifting my position from
> specifying proper use of @alt in hAudio, to specifying an hAudio Best
> Practices section for application authors. In other words, leave display
> value implementation up to the application writers.
> We should publish a Best Practices document for hAudio that states the
> following:
> - Use TITLE for display values for rel-patterns, which is backed up by
>   the following: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-payment#RelPayment
>     Authors should use the "title" attribute to provide a human readable
>     description of the type of support pointed to by the hyperlink.
>     Aggregators may use the contents of the "title" attribute to provide
>     additional information about the support link to their users.
>     E.g. <a href="[url]" rel="payment" title="Donate Money Via PayPal">.
> - If TITLE is not specified, the link text that is displayed in a
>   text-only web browser should be used.
> There is a "Votes" section for this topic on the hAudio issues page,
> please record your vote on the wiki, or discuss further on this list:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/audio-info-issues#Votes_4
> -- manu
> PS: Many thanks to Martin McEvoy, who found the RelPayment prior-art
> regarding using TITLE for human readable descriptions.
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