[uf-new] acessibility problem with currency microformats

Scott Reynen scott at makedatamakesense.com
Wed Jul 18 16:04:31 PDT 2007

On Jul 18, 2007, at 4:38 PM, Alexandre Van de Sande wrote:

> it looks like again the currency is using a already documented  
> acessibility problem of abusing the abbr tag.

> this costs <div class="money">
> 			<abbr class="currency" title="USD">
> 				<span class="amount">42.67</span>
> 			</abbr>
> 		</div>

Where do you see this?  I don't find it in currency-proposal nor  
currency-brainstorming.  Wherever it is, I wouldn't worry about that  
becoming a standard, as it doesn't make any sense.

> screen readers are taught to , when encoutering and abbr, to read  
> the title instead of the content, that's why abbr was created. This  
> already happens in other microformats and is an error.

I don't believe there are any microformats that encourage abbr for  
non-equivalent content such as above.  If you know of any, please  
point them out specifically.  The abbr-design-pattern [1]  
specifically says "Avoiding using the abbr-design-pattern to re- 
encode human text or to hide data."  There are known issues with abbr  
being used for content that doesn't read well in screen readers (e.g.  
ISO dates) [1], but we don't yet have consensus around an  
alternative, so for now, we use abbr.

[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/abbr-design-pattern

Scott Reynen

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