[uf-new] Currency: symbols and units (Was: microformat granularity: currency and measure)

Ben Ward lists at ben-ward.co.uk
Fri Jul 20 03:39:29 PDT 2007

On 19 Jul 2007, at 23:30, Scott Reynen wrote:
> <span class="money">¢<abbr title="0.021" class="amount">2.1</abbr>  
> <span class="currency">USD</span></span>

I don't agree that ‘0.021’ can be a valid abbreviation of ‘2.1’.

The abbreviation pattern still needs to be fixed as is, but there  
seems to be a common mindset of wanting an ‘alternate representation  
pattern’, something akin to the current ABBR pattern, with similar  
applications but without such specific semantics.


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