[uf-new] Book Review microformat - new or how to extend hreview

Benjamin Melançon pwgdarchive at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 15:12:02 PST 2007

I haven't found an hreview in existence that uses any author tag, let
alone publisher, copyright, isbn, number of pages etc.

If I tag my number of pages as: class="pages"
And someone else tags it as: class="numpages"

The goal of a standard fails, same for every other tag (copyright or
date or pubdate?).  Am I missing something fundamental?

Here's one place where I know book reviews are living in the real
world - http://dwlt.net/archives/2006/11/28/TheStarbucksExperience -
but the tags don't go beyond purchase, description, rating...  Even
type, at least an already existing tag, is given as "product" rather
than "book".

How could a web search reliably find book reviews of books by a given author?

Thanks for patience and explanation,

ben  ::  http://AgaricDesign.com  :  http://pwgd.org

On 3/8/07, Benjamin West <bewest at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ben,
> On 3/8/07, Benjamin Melançon <pwgdarchive at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Ben--  I didn't see your message because I thought it was my own
> > posted to the list-- darn gmail's habit of shortening us to our first
> > names!
> No problem :-)
> > I found some of these resources after I posted, but I still don't
> > think I have what I need.
> >
> > For instance, the book review module in Drupal (which I would like to
> > improve to have microformat tags) has fields for cover image,
> > publisher, copyright, isbn, # of pages, price, synopsis as well as
> > authors and distinguishing between links for purchase and other links.
> What's missing?
> > And, of course, I want to do this in a way that will be the same as
> > other people using hreview for book reviews and that smart web
> > indexing engines can understand (e.g., to allow 'give me all reviews
> > of books by this author published before this date under this number
> > of pages').
> >
> > Is there a repository and a process for defining standard implementations?
> Implementations aren't standard, only the behaviour of implementations.
> > Or do I need a 'book' microformat that hreview then refers to?
> >
> > - ben
> >
> I don't think you need a new format.  I think you probably just need
> to create a plugin for drupal.
> -Ben West
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