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John Blazier xblazox at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 05:00:44 PDT 2007

John Blazier

834 Old Waterbury Road

Southbury, CT 06488


voice:  203-267-3328  fax:  203-267-3329

               cell:  203-841-9399


xblazox at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: microformats-new-bounces at microformats.org
[mailto:microformats-new-bounces at microformats.org] On Behalf Of
microformats-new-request at microformats.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 6:00 PM
To: microformats-new at microformats.org
Subject: microformats-new Digest, Vol 9, Issue 1

Send microformats-new mailing list submissions to
	microformats-new at microformats.org

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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	microformats-new-owner at microformats.org

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of microformats-new digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Money (aka Currency) and Measure test cases (Andy Mabbett)
   2. Re: Internet radio and TV (Frances Berriman)
   3. Re: Currency brainstorming (Guillaume Lebleu)
   4. Internet radio and TV examples (Chris Newell)
   5. Re: Internet radio and TV (Chris Newell)
   6. Internet radio and TV brainstorming (Chris Newell)
   7. Recipe Examples- Any more? (Frances Berriman)
   8. I propose a new microformat for poems. (Michael Walker)
   9. Re: I propose a new microformat for poems.
      (Charles Iliya Krempeaux)
  10. Re: I propose a new microformat for poems. (Scott Reynen)
  11. Re: I propose a new microformat for poems.
      (Alexandre Van de Sande)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 20:20:18 +0100
From: Andy Mabbett <andy at pigsonthewing.org.uk>
Subject: [uf-new] Money (aka Currency) and Measure test cases
To: Microformats New <microformats-new at microformats.org>
Message-ID: <$pa1zSxyVq$GFwfX at pigsonthewing.org.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii

I have put up some simple test cases for Money and Currency microformats
(using arbitrary class names), based on Taylor Cowan's model or working.

Should anyone like to try a testing them with a parser, please feel free
and comment on the results here. or on the wiki.

I have added some variations of spacing, ordering and capitalisation, so
we can decide whether we need to be strict or generous in what we allow.



I'll be happy to add alternative examples, if anyone has any.


Andy Mabbett


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 16:53:32 +0100
From: "Frances Berriman" <fberriman at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] Internet radio and TV
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
	<e86992a40710010853o199eb8e8w683a9fa47fee328c at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 25/09/2007, Chris Newell <chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm interested in exploring how Internet radio and TV stations could be
defined semantically.
> As hAudio appears targeted at individual recordings and collections of
content I'm not sure it would be beneficial to the development process, or
to the end-users, to add additional complexity in order to support Internet
> Looking at the station listings out there on the web, there doesn't appear
to be much difference between the metadata provided for radio and TV
stations but there is a lot in common e.g. streams are often available at
different bitrates or using different codecs.
> Does anyone else have an interest or thoughts in this area?
> Chris

It's an interesting concept and worth exploring and I see there's some
stuff up on the wiki about it that you've started.  Might be
worthwhile to see how much can be done with a mixture of the audio
work, hAtom (for syndication) and hCalendar (for scheduling - time of
air if it is time sensitive/limited broadcast)?

Frances Berriman


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 09:57:01 -0700
From: Guillaume Lebleu <gl at brixlogic.com>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] Currency brainstorming
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
Message-ID: <470126DD.7000009 at brixlogic.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Andy Mabbett wrote:
> To apply a date, we could simply use hCalendar:
>     <div class="vevent">
>       <span class="description">
>         <span class="summary">
>           The last Monet painting to be auctioned
>         </span>
>         fetched
>         <abbr class="currency" title="USD95M">$95 million</abbr>
>         in
>         <span class="dtstart>2005</span>
>       </span>
>     </div>

Addresses the problem of historical money amounts without making the 
date a property/subclass of currency/hmoney class.



Message: 4
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:18:45 +0100
From: Chris Newell <chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk>
Subject: [uf-new] Internet radio and TV examples
To: <microformats-new at microformats.org>
Message-ID: < at pop3>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've started a wiki page to collect Internet radio and TV examples:

Please feel free to contribute more examples if you have them. I will try to
raise awareness within the broadcasting industry.

Chris Newell
Lead Technologist 
BBC Research


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:26:54 +0100
From: Chris Newell <chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] Internet radio and TV
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
Message-ID: < at pop3>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Frances Berriman wrote:
At 16:53 01/10/2007, you wrote:
>On 25/09/2007, Chris Newell <chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm interested in exploring how Internet radio and TV stations could be
defined semantically.
>> As hAudio appears targeted at individual recordings and collections of
content I'm not sure it would be beneficial to the development process, or
to the end-users, to add additional complexity in order to support Internet
>> Looking at the station listings out there on the web, there doesn't
appear to be much difference between the metadata provided for radio and TV
stations but there is a lot in common e.g. streams are often available at
different bitrates or using different codecs.
>> Does anyone else have an interest or thoughts in this area?
>> Chris
>It's an interesting concept and worth exploring and I see there's some
>stuff up on the wiki about it that you've started.  Might be
>worthwhile to see how much can be done with a mixture of the audio
>work, hAtom (for syndication) and hCalendar (for scheduling - time of
>air if it is time sensitive/limited broadcast)?

Syndication may be more appropriate to hAudio / hVideo as currently proposed
but I agree entirely with the latter idea for real-time streams - something
similar was proposed during the media-info discussion before it got bogged
down due to the broadness of the overall scope.


Chris Newell
Lead Technologist 
BBC Research


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:39:21 +0100
From: Chris Newell <chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk>
Subject: [uf-new] Internet radio and TV brainstorming
To: <microformats-new at microformats.org>
Message-ID: < at pop3>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've started a brainstorming page for Internet radio and TV:

Please contribute any ideas you have in this area.

Chris Newell
Lead Technologist 
BBC Research


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 16:28:28 +0100
From: "Frances Berriman" <fberriman at gmail.com>
Subject: [uf-new] Recipe Examples- Any more?
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
	<e86992a40710030828k17fe1cd1t6cb0083159f459d4 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Ben Ward has kindly tidied the recipe-brainstorm[1] page to reflect
recent discussions we've had here.

Would any other interested parties take a look please and give us any

I think the first thing I'd like to do is query whether we feel the
examples[2] section of the work is complete enough to next discuss
commonalities and some of the proposed properties.

It does look to me like not that many, but I am feeling quite
confident that we're not going to find much more varied examples from
what's there given that our scope is to stick within food recipes

Since I didn't conduct this research though, I'm keen to know other
people's feelings on it.

[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/recipe-brainstorming
Frances Berriman


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 19:37:51 +0100
From: "Michael Walker" <mike at yarrt.com>
Subject: [uf-new] I propose a new microformat for poems.
To: "Microformats Mailing List" <microformats-new at microformats.org>
Message-ID: <op.tzmwpdytjyd8jy at mikeslaptop>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; delsp=yes;

Well, this is my first post to this mailing list and I thought i'd start  
by addressing a problem thats been annoying me for a while.

I can't seem to find a microformat for poetry. I often write poems and  
post them to my blog (http://blog.yarrt.com), and I sometimes wonder about  
the best way to code them. Below is the method I have thought of (with one  
of my poems as an example):

[Heading Text Here, possibly a <h1>, <h2>, etc, depending on the context]
<div class="poem">
   <p class="verse">
     Standing by the roadside,<br />
     A tall dark man,<br />
     Wore a long brown coat,<br />
     Stood in the rain.
   <p class="verse">
     Explained he had no home,<br />
     Just travelled the country,<br />
     Sleeping on the streets,<br />
     Begging for his food.
   <p class="verse">
     "Why is he helping me?",<br />
     "Where am I going?",<br />
     He must have wondered,<br />
     While stepping into the car.
   <p class="verse">
     He seemed uneasy,<br />
     Not sure to trust me,<br />
     He had seem too much,<br />
     To trust people blindly.

I would suggest marking it up with the following CSS rule:
div.poem p.verse{

Possibly with a border around the whole poem, but that is, of course,  
completely up to you.

What do you all think?
Michael Walker, Webmaster


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:58:11 -0700
From: "Charles Iliya Krempeaux" <supercanadian at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] I propose a new microformat for poems.
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
	<84ce626f0710031158o3896c0c2m696621437a9c7d95 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hello Michael,

On 10/3/07, Michael Walker <mike at yarrt.com> wrote:
> Well, this is my first post to this mailing list and I thought i'd start
> by addressing a problem thats been annoying me for a while.
> I can't seem to find a microformat for poetry. I often write poems and
> post them to my blog (http://blog.yarrt.com), and I sometimes wonder about
> the best way to code them. Below is the method I have thought of (with one
> of my poems as an example):


> What do you all think?

This is an excellent example of POSH.

So... you this may be a case for POSH (Plain Old Semantic HTML),
instead of a Microformat.  Here's more info on POSH...


Having said that... if there are others putting poems on the web
too... then there may be a case to come up with a common POSH format
-- a Microformat.  If that's the case then you may want to look at the
Microformat process...


See ya

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc. <http://ChangeLog.ca/>

                 Vlog Razor... Vlogging News


Message: 10
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 13:04:34 -0600
From: Scott Reynen <scott at makedatamakesense.com>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] I propose a new microformat for poems.
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
	<579F2201-E9BC-4904-8B42-301DD899F5F7 at makedatamakesense.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Michael Walker wrote:

> I can't seem to find a microformat for poetry. I often write poems  
> and post them to my blog (http://blog.yarrt.com), and I sometimes  
> wonder about the best way to code them. Below is the method I have  
> thought of (with one of my poems as an example):

Before we get into brainstorming, do you have some specific use cases  
in mind for such a microformat?  What problem are we tying to solve  
here?  If you haven't already, please read about the microformats  


Scott Reynen


Message: 11
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 18:59:46 -0300
From: "Alexandre Van de Sande" <alexandrevandesande at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] I propose a new microformat for poems.
To: "For discussion of new microformats."
	<microformats-new at microformats.org>
	<8608a69a0710031459o271f4624lb4d75f81e25748b1 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

you mean a microformat for sonnets, or for haikus or Odes or Sestinas,
because Poetry is a broad term that defies an objective structure
needed by microformatting. And I agree with previous commenters that
this requires a problem.

On 10/3/07, Scott Reynen <scott at makedatamakesense.com> wrote:
> On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Michael Walker wrote:
> > I can't seem to find a microformat for poetry. I often write poems
> > and post them to my blog (http://blog.yarrt.com), and I sometimes
> > wonder about the best way to code them. Below is the method I have
> > thought of (with one of my poems as an example):
> Before we get into brainstorming, do you have some specific use cases
> in mind for such a microformat?  What problem are we tying to solve
> here?  If you haven't already, please read about the microformats
> process:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/process
> --
> Scott Reynen
> MakeDataMakeSense.com
> _______________________________________________
> microformats-new mailing list
> microformats-new at microformats.org
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Alexandre Van de Sande
rio de janeiro



microformats-new mailing list
microformats-new at microformats.org

End of microformats-new Digest, Vol 9, Issue 1

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