[uf-new] hAudio: audio-title/album-title vs. recording/album

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Fri Oct 12 16:26:16 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 14:41 -0600, Scott Reynen wrote:
> On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:01 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> > If we were to use FN, it would be impossible to distinguish between an
> > album (an concept that can contain more than one hAudio) and a
> > song/speech (an individual hAudio).
> I don't think that's true.  hCard uses FN for two different types of  
> contacts: organizations and people.  The main item's name is  
> class="fn".  If that main item is an organization, it's class="fn  
> org".  If the main item is a person within a stated organization, the  
> person's name is class="fn" and the organization's class="org".   
> hAudio is only slightly more complicated because we can also have an  
> album with several tracks, whereas we never use a single hCard to  
> list an organization and several members.  For that case we could  
> still use "track".  Examples of how this might work based on Julian's  
> earlier examples:
> Single track, with known album (same as putting text in the ‘album’  
> field of an ID3 tag):
> <span class="haudio">
>      <span class="fn">Nagasaki Nightmare</span>
>      <span class="album">Best Before 1984</span>
>      <span class="contributor">Crass</span>
> </span>
> Single track, album unknown:
> <span class="haudio">
>      <span class="fn">Nagasaki Nightmare</span>
>      <span class="contributor">Crass</span>
> </span>
> Album:
> <span class="haudio">
>      <span class="fn album">Best Before 1984</span>
>      <span class="contributor">Crass</span>
> </span>
> Album with a couple of tracks, simple example:
> <span class="haudio">
>      <span class="fn album">Best Before 1984</span>
>      <span class="contributor">Crass</span>
>      <span class="track">Nagasaki Nightmare</span>
>      <span class="track">Nagasaki Nightmare</span>
>      <span class="track">Nagasaki Nightmare</span>
> </span>
> Album with a couple of tracks, more detailed:
> <span class="haudio">
>      <span class="fn album">Best Before 1984</span>
>      <span class="contributor">Crass</span>
>      <span class="track haudio"><span class="fn">Nagasaki Nightmare</ 
> span> – <abbr class="duration" title="P268T">4:46</abbr></span>
>      <span class="track haudio"><span class="fn">Nagasaki Nightmare</ 
> span> – <abbr class="duration" title="P268T">4:46</abbr></span>
>      <span class="track haudio"><span class="fn">Nagasaki Nightmare</ 
> span> – <abbr class="duration" title="P268T">4:46</abbr></span>
> </span>

Hello Scott I have been thinking recently that it is perhaps best to use
something that everyone is familiar with *FN* but I thought that it
would be simpler just to use *track* to imply type and title I also
don't think it is best practice to embed haudios *inside* haudio, I
think of it like a hfeed element in hAtom or the Channel element in RSS,
also would you embed hfeed's inside other hfeed's?

David Janes made some good proposal back in November about a hTing uF


which eventually turned into a hItem design pattern/uF proposed by Andy


there is a brainstorm about the hItem uf/item design pattern


So I thought simple solution

<div class="haudio">
	<span class="album">Best Before 1984</span>
	<span class="contributor">Crass</span>
    <div class="item">
        <span class="track">Nagasaki Nightmare</span>
	<abbr class="duration" title="P268T">4:46</abbr>
    <div class="item">
        <span class="track">Big A, Little A </span> 
        <abbr class="duration" title="P368T"> 6:13</abbr>

Elegant I would say?

It solves the problem of do we use FN audio-title, whatever...
We have established that we cant use FN because want to describe
something MORE specific 


And also we dont need to use either FN or audio-title because
track I understand has to have the exact semantic value as album 
The example above shows how to clearly define both track and album




> --
> Scott Reynen
> MakeDataMakeSense.com
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