[uf-new] ISO-31-1

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Thu Aug 7 07:45:04 PDT 2008

Hello Glenn

Glenn Jones wrote:

> You have to be carefully in exploring new options that you don't cause
> issues elsewhere. I think changing duration is a case in point, as it is
> not only used in hAudio, but also in hCalendar and in turn hResume.

Agreed  duration is based on  
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2445#section-, I have always had an 
issue with this kind of mark-up in microformats this...


...if you stuff it in a title its data injected into a human area! 
surely this should be documented as an anti-pattern?, I am not saying 
this is wrong, it happens, its  just that the data above is the expected 
output to a *machine*, which is surely a problem of the parser not the 
author to parse this correctly.

<span class="duration">
 <span class="h">1</span>:
 <span class="min">3</span>:
 <span class="s">42</span>

Its quite easy to extract PT1H3M42S from the data above because all the 
base properties are present @duration=>PT,  h=>H,  min=>M, s=>S
however I can not change the way duration is currently parsed,  so it 
may be an idea to change  @class="duration" in haudio to 
class="interval"  although I am unsure if this is sound thinking yet.

documented here http://microformats.org/wiki/ISO-31-1#issues

> Having different datatypes for a property of the same name is very
> problematic. Personally I would not like us to use ISO-8601 for
> hCalendar duration and ISO-31-1 for duration in hAudio. Some parsers do
> try to convert formats into datatypes this could become hellish if we
> use the same property names for different data formats.
> Last but not least you have also just walked into the internalisation
> issue from the "Human and machine readable data format" debate. Not all
> languages use the Arabic numerals ie 0,1,2, 3 etc  
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_numerals
> Although most people will understand Arabic numerals and you find them
> mixed in with languages like Chinese, it's still an issue that need
> thought.

Agreed to a certain extent but I believe that commonly Japanese Numerals 
are Written in arabic ?
and I also believe that Arabic numerals are by far the most common form 
of Numbering in the world?
 I believe we should keep it simple an focus around the Arabic numbering 
system for now.

Thanks for your input Glenn :-)

Martin McEvoy

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