[uf-new] rel=license scoping and hAudio

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Wed Aug 20 10:54:35 PDT 2008

Hello Toby...

Toby A Inkster wrote:
> For the purposes of illustration, say I'm writing an article entitled 
> "Music in the Digital Age" discussing how the Internet has changed 
> modern music. I may wish to write that:
>   ...
>   <span class="haudio">
>     <span class="contributor">Nine Inch Nails</span>
>     released their recent album
>     <span class="album">Ghosts I-IV</span> under a
>     <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/"
>     rel="license">Creative Commons license</a>
>   </span>
> Now, an hAudio parser (of which there are few) will interpret this as 
> meaning that the Nine Inch Nails' album is released under that licence.
> But a general rel=license parser (of which there are many, including 
> Yahoo! (cc) Search, Google Usage Rights Search, and absolutely any 
> RDFa parser) will interpret this as meaning that the whole page is 
> available under that licence, which may not be the case.
> With rel-tag, the scoping issue is of less importance. If I want to 
> tag, say, a particular hCard with a tag of "Tennis" because that 
> person is a tennis player, it is not too unreasonable if the whole 
> page is interpreted as being tagged "Tennis" - after all, the page 
> does mention a tennis player, so does have an (albeit perhaps minor) 
> topic of "Tennis".
> With rel-license scoping has potentially major legal ramifications. 
> Essentially it means that any rel=license link found needs to be 
> manually checked to determine exactly what the licence applies to. And 
> if one needs to manually inspect a page to determine its licence, then 
> rel=license is adding no value.
This is true,

I would prefer to use rel="copyright"


because rel="licence" is primarily used for CC licences.

But even so the problem still exists that the rel-copyright still only 
applies to the entire document.

So *maybe* there is need  for something more specific that can be 
related to the object maybe a rel="rights" or something else new..?


Martin McEvoy

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